Check out the new Empatica blog!

We’d like to welcome you to our revamped blog! It features a new and more intuitive design, and an improved user experience.
By adding different categories into which we can now separate our posts, we seek to offer a more diverse range of content while making it easier for you to find exactly what you’re looking for. Aside from this, the location has also changed. It's now housed under our website, so you can find everything Embrace and Empatica related all tidied up in one place.
The mission behind the blog, however, remains the same: to share inspirational stories, news about the latest developments here at Empatica, resources for caregivers, and the latest epilepsy research.
Our goal is to encourage and empower people living with epilepsy and their loved ones by spreading knowledge and stories of courage.
We’ve rounded up some of the most inspiring and informative posts we've featured so far:
How Embrace Has Helped a Mother With Epilepsy Regain Confidence
Kirsty shares what it’s like to be a mom with epilepsy, and what helps her manage her seizures more effectively, so they don't interfere with her parenting.
Epilepsy Awareness Matters: Get Informed and Take Action
What is epilepsy? What different types of seizures exist? And how can you help someone having a seizure? We answer all of these questions and more as part of an overarching goal to decrease the fear and stigma around the condition.
6 Life Lessons Learned from Epilepsy that Anyone Can Apply
Here, some of our customers tell us what they’ve learned throughout their epilepsy journey. It’s a truly inspirational read for anyone, regardless of whether you have epilepsy.
Samantha’s Story — Altruism and Courage Fighting Epilepsy
Samantha is blind and has epilepsy. Despite these challenges, she does her best to help others. She has started a fundraiser to help others purchase Embrace for epilepsy monitoring.
Famous, Inspiring, Relentless, and They Have Epilepsy
Get tips from true legends that continued to chase their dreams, and didn’t allow epilepsy to hold them back.
We hope you like this new version as much as we do. If you have a story you'd like to share, just email us at
Make sure you don't miss out on the inspiring discoveries and stories, by subscribing below.
Have a good visit!
The Empatica Team